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Entries in Social Games (1)


Playfish In Numbers Infographic: Online Gaming Is Bigger Than You Think!

A new infographic released today by Playfish is proving that online gaming is bigger than you might think.  Would you believe that if all the Playfish gamers lived in one country it would have a population bigger than England?  It’s true, along with a ton of other surprising facts illustrated on the ‘Playfish In Numbers’ infographic.
‘Playfish In Numbers’ offers great examples to help you wrap your head around the sheer numbers of gamers playing all sorts of Playfish games, from Restaurant City to Madden NFL Superstars, Pet Society, My Empire, EA Sports FIFA Superstars, and Hotel City.  The stats are pretty impressive.

Check out the infographic below and let us know what you think.  Did you know that 10.9 million people have built their own ancient Roman city in My Empire?  That’s more than 10 times the population of Rome in its prime!

Playfish in numbers UK